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Размер шрифта:AAAAЦвет:ЦЦЦЦЦНастройки:Изображения: Обычная версия сайта
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(8212) 31-07-21
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(8212) 31-07-21

Главная \ Пациентам \ Information for foreign citizens!

Information for foreign citizens!

Information for foreign citizens!

A medical examination must be carried out by an addiction psychiatrist in order for foreign citizens to obtain a residence permit, a temporary Russian residence permit, or a patent. The purpose of an examination is to determine whether a foreign citizen suffers from drug addiction or has narcotics, psychotropic substances, or their metabolites present in their organism. A medical examination, including the issuance of a medical report (certificate) to a foreign citizen, does not exceed 5 working days from the day the application was made by a foreign citizen or a stateless person. To undergo a medical examination, a foreign citizen or a stateless person must provide the Komi Republic Narcological Dispensary with the translated version of their passport (birth certificate, temporary identity certificate) and a residence registration certificate. A medical examination is carried out if there is an informed and voluntary consent provided by a foreign citizen or a stateless person (or their legal representatives) to comply with the requirements, established by the Article 20 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-FZ ‘On fundamentals of the health protection of citizens in the Russian Federation’.